Human Rights Statement

AP TAC is committed to the fundamental principle of respecting and promoting human rights as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We believe in the intrinsic worth and dignity of every individual and are dedicated to protecting and advancing these values in every aspect of our operations, both at home and abroad.

In line with the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers (ICoCA) and the Federal Act on Private Security Services Provided Abroad (LPSP), our commitment is underpinned by our robust corporate policies and operating procedures, which guide our interactions with clients, communities, and our employees.

1. Respect for Human Rights: AP TAC will respect all human rights and strive to avoid complicity in any human rights abuses. This includes ensuring non-discrimination, freedom of association and collective bargaining, and the prohibition of child labour, forced labour, and harsh or inhumane treatment.

2. Engagement with Local Communities: AP TAC will engage respectfully with local communities where we operate. We will seek to understand their traditions, customs, and concerns and will strive to ensure that our operations do not harm or disrupt their way of life.

3. Protection of Civilians: AP TAC will uphold the principles of distinction and proportionality, ensuring the safety and wellbeing of civilians in all situations. We are committed to preventing any form of violence against civilians.

4. Respect for National Laws and International Human Rights Law: AP TAC will abide by all applicable national laws and respect internationally recognized human rights, regardless of any contrary local laws. In situations of conflict between local laws and the principles of internationally recognized human rights, we will seek ways to honor the principles of international human rights.

5. Grievance Mechanisms: AP TAC will establish accessible and responsive mechanisms for both internal and external stakeholders to report concerns or grievances regarding our operations or employees.

6. Training and Capacity Building: AP TAC will provide appropriate training to our employees to ensure understanding and compliance with our commitment to human rights.

7. Transparency and Accountability: AP TAC will operate transparently and will hold ourselves accountable for the observance of human rights, acknowledging any failures and making continuous improvements.

AP TAC is proud to operate under the auspices of ICoCA and LPSP. Our adherence to these standards reflects our dedication to maintaining a corporate culture that respects and promotes human rights in all our endeavors.

Mastering Safety with AP TAC

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